Your celebrity smile style is Innocent Like Drew
What's Your Celebrity Smile Style?
Brought to you by Tickle
Daydream Syndey
im simple,kind, lovable,caring, friendly,etc.
im simple,kind, lovable,caring, friendly,etc.
id like to meet someone who is a kind simple down to earth kind of person. I don't like a person who smoke's i hate that. love ko ung magaling mag draw kumanta at basta simple ka friend kita. kahit la ka looks ok lang kasi im not a person who's judging a friend by the way he or she looks basta your a good friend oks ka sakinLeave me a comment here:
♥nO reason 2 lie sho steP asiDe anaLyze, recOgnize sO stEP dOwn befoe wE reGuLate k3ep iT reaL cuZ aZns wilL... wE aRe aZns n’ wE aRe prOud wit our voice we shout out Loud wE ruLe da worLd On ebEry sIde wit thOse hu hab da aZn priDe..... aZn pRydE iSh mAii miNd aZn bLoOd iSh mAii kiNd sho sTeP aSidE aNd lEt m3eh tHrU coz iT's alL bout dA aZn cRew aZn luB iSh aLL aRoUnD fOe mAii feLlow aZns neva let m3eh dOwn sHo yOoHr pRydE aNd sAy iT'S tRu cUz aZn blOoD fLowS tHrU y0oH!!...*♥