Sorgepedia profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

I am far too lazy to write my own about me soooo....
Well, my name is Jason Sorge, but my friends know me as Sorgepedia because I know everything! Yes, it's true. If you have a question, I have the answer. If I am right, I know it. If I am wrong, I am still right. I love to be around people and help them out anyway that I can. I am a very sociable. I enjoy being with my family and friends laughing and having good times. In my spare time you can find me at the movie theater, at home picking out a movie to watch from my enormous wall of alphabetized movies, playing video games, or trying to train my Lab Rolo.
About 2 years ago I was in a horrible motorcycle accident that could have gotten the better of me, but I didn't let it (that's the stubbornness in me). I could not have done it alone though. I found strength in the Lord, my family, and close friends to help me through. About 4 months ago I purchased myself a new baby, a 2007 Toyota Tacoma. Sometimes you can find me and my truck getting all dirty playing the mud. Ladies get those thoughts out of your head right now! :o) I would really like to utilize the back seat more, so if you are single, and looking for a good time...I am your man. Message me. Written By: Sassy Cat AKA Assie AKA Cass
AIM= DiscoStu13
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My Interests

I used to like Riding my yz250f, going to Ocotillio Wells, Paintball, and Wakeboarding. Now I like going to the movies, Off Roading in my truck, hanging out with friends, Racing at P2R, and I look forward to every Galaxy game I can make it too

I'd like to meet:

People Who Are Honest


MxPx, Funeral For A Friend, Anberlin, Cartel, A Skylit Drive, Still Remains, Bullet For My Valentine, Matisyahu, Fall Out Boy, A Change Of Pace, Atreyu, Avenged Sevenfold, Something Corporate, Jack's Mannequin, From Autumn To Ashes, Relient K, Rise Against, Bad Religion, Jack Johnson, Matchbook Romance, Senses Fail, Yesterdays Rising, The Police, AFI(old stuff), Underoath, Thrice, Story of the Year, Yellowcard, 311, From First to Last, John Mayer, Frank Sinatra,Toney Bennett, Michael Buble.. George Strait,Randy Travis, Rascal Flatts, Alison Krauss + Union Station, I pretty Much Like Everything But Rap


Robin Hood (prince of thieves), Schindlers list, Old school, Office Space, Super Troopers, Underworld, Der Untergang(Downfall), Band Of Brothers, Crash, any one of the 325+ dvds I own.....


Heroes, Simpsons, Family Guy, King of the Hill, The War At Home, LOST, CSI, I Love Lucy, Prison Break, Modern Marvels, Mythbusters, anything on The History Channel, TLC, or Discovery.


Angels and Demons, Da Vinci Code, The Devils Deciples, 100 People Who Are Srewing up America, What If? and ANYTHING by Michael Crichton, are my favorites. Right now I am reading; 1776, The Winds of Change, Exporting America, and What Would The Founding Fathers Do?


John And Ken fomr KFI am640, Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Maddox, Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert

My Blog

Easter Pics

I have been pretty busy lately so I have not had the opportunity to post these but I took hundreds of pictures on Easter so I though I would share a few... Plus my sister has been beging to see these...
Posted by Sorgepedia on Thu, 19 Apr 2007 11:55:00 PST

For Always

 If we help each other out along the way Then maybe everything will be OK Who decides if you'll succeed? Who decides those things you want and need? Looking back on all those years All the smiles...
Posted by Sorgepedia on Mon, 08 May 2006 11:24:00 PST

Grey Skies Turn Blue

The Last week of my life has been awesome. For once I have nothing negative to report. This past week I have done so many things for the first time since last october. Some stuff might not sound like ...
Posted by Sorgepedia on Wed, 15 Mar 2006 05:40:00 PST

And so it begins...

Today was a big day for me. I went and saw both my Orthopedic surgeon and Neurosurgeon. I awoke this morning trying to keep my mind on anything but these visits. I knew my Ortho visit was going to be ...
Posted by Sorgepedia on Fri, 03 Mar 2006 08:38:00 PST

I dont know what to say...

Well I went to my back doc today and was really hoping for some good news. The news I got wasnt exactly good and wasnt exactly bad... Today I was supposed to be able to ditch this horrible back b...
Posted by Sorgepedia on Wed, 08 Feb 2006 07:28:00 PST

Another Update....

Well Finally I can post a blog that is mostly good news... It has been a long time since my last blog so here goes... Since my last blog I have gone to see my orthopedic surgeon 2 times. The first ti...
Posted by Sorgepedia on Fri, 03 Feb 2006 11:36:00 PST

As if things couldnt get worse

You would think getting kicked while you were down is something you could get used to but it still ceases to amaze me how hard i can get kicked. Talk about insult to injury, aparently I havent been be...
Posted by Sorgepedia on Sat, 31 Dec 2005 11:30:00 PST

A little addtition to previous blog...

As I mentioned my Back doc said stop my Oxycontin, well in the last three days I have learned an awfuly lot about that stuff. For one IT SUCKS. Aparently it is the most potent and strongest Narcotic p...
Posted by Sorgepedia on Sun, 11 Dec 2005 03:35:00 PST


Yesterday I went to go see both My surgeons for the first time since I left the hospital. I came home with lots of good news, and a lil bad. First off... I am officially able to start walking again, t...
Posted by Sorgepedia on Sat, 10 Dec 2005 05:03:00 PST

Finally home!

Well after a 25 day stay at the hospital I am finally home. I am no where near fixed, still have lots of therapy and doctors/surgeons, to see but I am at least home. And being home well only help me t...
Posted by Sorgepedia on Fri, 25 Nov 2005 05:55:00 PST