Alrite, im known a barbie! Funny enough everything about me is real not plastic tho.
my likes -
wine n vodka altho it fuks me up. cocktails. memory loss caused by alcohol abuse. london. christmas time. night outs. holidays. dresses. sunshine. partying. memories. my girlies - you kno who you are. shirts. shopping. payday. weekends away. sunning myself on the beach. bikinis. sleeping. dancing. gossip. talking. using my mobile, make up, clothes, modellin shoots, perfume, spending time with the person i love, photographs of the good times, music, Spending money..'OBV..duno where we would be without Chanel Make-up. Nail / hair extensions..Long hair..Short hair..Sunbeds..Techno tan..AMAZINN....luv it xMySpace Backgrounds
Great myspace layouts
Name: Kiki Juliet Anderson
Eye Color: Blue
What is your age? 16-20
Hair Color: Blond
Do you have any piercings? No
Single or Spoken For? Spoken For
Are you Male or Female? Female
Have You Ever Been In Love? No
Favorite song? save tonight - eagle eye cherry
Do you have any tattoos? Yes
Are Looks Important? Very
FAVORITE TWO COLORS pink and white
Do you have a crush on anyone right now? Yes
Can You Remember Your First Kiss? Yes
Fighter or lover lover
What are your favorite shoes? knee high boots
Ever Have A One Night Stand? Yes, never again tho
Hot & Heavy or Soft & Sensual? Hot & Heavy, dependant on wat mood im in
How Old Were You Your First Time? 14
Do You Smoke?: Yes
Passive or Aggressive? Middle Of The Road
Do you have a crush on anyone right now? Maybe...
Favorite sexual position? doggy
Of all the sexual partners you have had how many were serious? 4
Ever Sleep With Someone You Met Online? Yes
Do you have a crush on anyone right now? Maybe...
Do U like Clubbing luv it
Favorite Nightclub/s? not a huge range down this end so spose best dwn here is club ice
Where do you work in a bar
Do you like your job yes
favorite Tv show hollyoaks
what car do you drive
What do you eat? alot of shit
Drink? apple sours, vodka, wkds etc
drugs? maybe
Someone you miss?
city? sheffield
Whats the first thing you notice about a crush? eyes
do You like someone in secret? maybe but dat wud be tellin
Would you tell them? no
Final thoughts?
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