It's not music, and it's not funny
*** Releases: ***
- Album (Title and Release Date TBC)
- Split EP with SoundMatrix available from CalmDownKidder Records
- Track 'Fun At The Farm' on the CalmDownKidder 'Mario Paint' Collaboration, which you can download from CDK Records by clicking here .
*** Upcoming Gigs ***
None :(
*** Past Gigs ***
30 Septmber - Zanzibar, Liverpool (Chiptune Alliance 2009)
01 August - 8 Bit Ball Outdoor Festival, Blackpool (cancelled at last minute)
11 July - Bleep London, London
09 May - Microparty VS Stunfest, Rennes, France (one song!)
16 March - Chipfest 3, Liverpool
23 January - Micromusic Party, London
07 December - Official Blip Festival Open Mic, New York (one song!)
03 December - Pre-Blip Festival Open Mic Night, New York (one song!)
05 August - The Duke Of Wellington, Lincoln
04 August - The Cooperage, Newcastle
03 August - Bar Fresa, Liverpool
02 August - Hat Factory, Luton
01 August - Trimley Pits Party, Felixstowe
30 May - Beep Beep Fest @ The Happy Return, Nottingham