They keep me alive♥
I love my life♥
My new moto
This Is for the people who have fucked me over.
You try to tear me apart
but you only make me stronger
I think that when people screw me over
they actually help me
I may not have a hundred friends
but I have ones that I trust
and that means more to me
then any one of the people who have screwed me over
could have EVER ment
I love my life
Fuck the haters
Support our troops...♥
These people are ones who have inspired me. They have been there for my in certian occasion. They have all tought me how to love,forgive,forget,be strong,and never give up in one way or another. Some of them dont know how much they actually mean to me.
♥Tarynn Lea Rodriguez♥
♥Stephen Piergrossi♥
♥Eric Baur♥
♥Melissa Pope♥
♥Kristen Daggett♥
♥Megan Morton♥
♥Tyler Farmer♥
♥Amanda Joy Ann Katherine Cooney♥
♥Veronica Young♥
♥Butchie Irwin♥
♥Deborah Carr♥
♥Amber Irwin♥
♥Joe Pope Sr.♥
♥Mary Barnard♥
♥Kevin Meinhaldt Jr.♥