Sat Sri Akal, Sat Nam, Shalom, Salam, Shanti, Namaste.. God is One!
Tai Chi, Chi kung, Pa-kua, Hsing-i, Meditation and Ch'i Kung Classes in the Inland Empire. Riverside, Redlands, Loma Linda, Mira Loma, and Corona.
Our Focus is On:
Ch'i kung, T'ai-chi ch'uan, Zen Meditation, Hatha and Kundalini Yoga, Ki-Aikido, Hsing-I ch'uan, Pa-kua chang, Pranayama, etc.
Topics T'ai-chi ch'uan, Ch'i kung, Chinese Herbal Lore, Meditation, and Hsing-I ch'uan.
The Main Class Texts are:
Pray for those who hate:
Unfortunately this year there were not enough students to enroll to allow the administrators to keep the Chaffey PE Class going. So they cancelled it. No Class this Spring. Maybe in the Fall if the powers that be want it. Though you know how that goes, the powers the be don't always do the right thing.
So, If you want a really good, I mean the Best Tai Chi Chuan Class,
go to UC Riverside Student Recreation Center, Redlands Aikikai, or Loma Linda University instead. These are the most professionally taught tai chi classes in the Inland Empire that we know of.
The most advanced public Yang Style tai chi class in the Inland Empire is at University of California Riverside Student Recreation Center.
No other tai chi classes in the area are more advanced. If you want to learn the real deal, real Yang style tai chi chuan, go to the University of California Riverside Student Recreation Center. The most Advance t'ai-chi classes in the area can be found there.
But if you are a beginner there are a lot of classes that are good, UCR, RCC, LLU and Redlands Aikikai are all very good classes for Yang style. Redlands Aikikai is the one of the best places to learn Aikido, Kendo and there is a Zen practice there weekly.
In Riverside, UCR also has several yoga classes as does RCC. The yoga class is very good at UCR as taught by Yvonne, free to members.
I have no information on the other teachers.
LLU Drayson Center also has several different "Yoga Style" classes. Not real yoga. Then again, very few modern yoga classes are anything but exercise classes. These classes are all free to members.
Go to
for information and also through University Extension. University Extension at UCR has a Certification Program for Iyengar Style Hatha Yoga. Many classes. Very serious training.
In Redlands CA, Redlands Aikikai had a good restorative yoga class. Excellent teacher. It is off now.
Redlands Aikikai has The BEST Aikido in the area as well.
There is also very good Aikido at UCR and RCC. Some of the private karate schools advertise aikido but that is doubtful that they really have real aikido there. Cal State SB also has a very good aikido class and several excellent yoga classes.
Chaffey had good yoga classes a few years ago with Steve Hsu.
Always be careful in Yoga classes as incorrect postures can be dangerous to some students.
For tai-chi chuan, taiji, and chi kung, qigong, see the Loma Linda Univ Drayson Center, Riverside Community College Young At Heart, and University of California Riverside Student Recreation Center classes that are Listed below. Best public tai-chi teacher in the area.
To repeat, If you are interested in t'ai-chi ch'uan, the most advanced tai chi chuan class in the Riverside area is taught at UC Riverside Student Recreation Center.
T'ai-chi ch'uan aka taijiquan, ch'i kung aka qigong, pa-kua chang aka baguazhang, arnis and Pangamont.
University of California Riverside Student Recreation Center Classes Start March 31st.
Loma Linda University Drayson Center classes start June 26th
Classes are on Thursday nights at 6:00 for beginners. Continuing students learn the long form (220) san shou partner form and fast form. Next class starts April 3rd.
Redlands Aikikai Class starts April 7th, Classes are Tuesday Nights at 6:30 PM. Mixed level class.
(909) 335-5411
For the other related sites go to Grandmaster Tchoung's Tribute Site at:
Sifu Andrew Dale's site, THE BEST Tai Chi in Seattle
and Sifu Harvey Kurland's site
Most of the blog articles on this site are reprinted with permission from the site.
Here is a video of Fu Zhong-wen, one of Yang Cheng-fu's students and also a relative of Yang. He shows the Larger Frame Yang Form. He was one of the best of the Yang style masters. His son continues his tradition.