I would like to meet Katherine Dunham. This woman was a triple threat. Not only was she one of the most innovative dancers of her time, she was extremely intelligent. She fused her love for dance with her passion to see her people progress. This shaped a body of work that is brilliant. Her list of achievement include but are not limited to Bachelor's degree in Social Anthropology (1936); develop a sub discipline of anthropology; in 1939 she submitted her thesis, entitled "Dances of Haiti, Their Social Organization, Classification, Form and Function; later she wrote several books one of which describe her experiences in the Caribbean’s. Dunham was an activist. An example of the many times Dunham refused to accept injustice was at a show; after finding out that the city’s black residents had not been allowed to buy tickets for the performance, Dunham refuse to performer. She did this unapologetically; never thinking about the negative effects her activism may have on her career. This woman face far more challenges than she would today, yet she move forward through oppression, segregation, the great depression, with elegance, prestige, and dignity. This is an example of a woman worthy of the title celebrity and star.