My interests are things that are interesting. But of course.Really. So just stop reading, already.There's nothing more to it.
Anyone interesting is interesting to me! To me, those are the people like Paris Hilton, Hitler, and Einstein. Yeah, I'm pretty open-minded. It would've been really fun to talk to those people. But I'd actually more like to meet new friends and people to talk to. So there ya go.
I'm not very choosy. I love music.
Top 5 Fave Currently
*Ben Folds
*David Crowder
*Fall Out Boy
*Something Corporate
*Any symphony
Movies? MOVIES!! I love them. My favorites are usually those types that make you "think." That or romantic action or foreign. But really, I'll watch almost anything. Some of my favorites:
*Fight Club
*Donnie Darko
*The Matrix Series
*Sin City
*Spiderman series
I also love totally pointless and corny comedy movies, like White Chicks. I can't help it-that movie was funny!! I also like Monty Python!
And yes, I'll admit it...I love The Notebook!! I cried!
I don't really watch TV. But when I do, I like MythBusters, CSI, Miami Ink, and MTV. I'm an avid fan of DeGrassi.
The question is: What book won't I read? I love books! I've read just about everything.
My favorite types to read are fantasy, the Bible, the Dummies Guide to... series, and forensics-crime books.
Also: It must be mentioned that Philip Pullman, Ronald Dahl, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, and the Wizard of Oz stories (yes, there is more than just 1) all freakin' rock.
Oh and the Ender's Game series is EXPLOSIVELY AWESOME. So go read it. Now.
"All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible."
Dreamers of the day are my heroes. Those are the people who accomplish things.
But, it must said that everyone in my life is there for a reason and all of them have something that I most likely respect and admire.