They Call Me...
im 16.
i love my friends.
i love my family.
i love what i do...if i didnt, why would i do it
if you honestly have shit to talk, say it to my face. because if you cant, then you shouldnt be talkin it.
i cant live with out music.
i am 100% peruvian and damn proud.
i am what i am so get over it.
ill most likely listen to whatever you have to say.
dont. mess with my friends. cuz they my peoplezzzzz.
i am adopted.
i am short. but also proud.
i love meeting new people.
i love having a hell of a good time.
you have my back, i got yours.
i try not to let people down.
i lovvvve adidas.
orange is honestly my favorite color.
i draw pictures and make picutres for people like its ma damn job.
dont get on my bad side....because i honestly dont want you there.
yeah second chances exist....but not for everybody.
i love the number 69.
liars can go to hell.
i loooovvvve walking places.
fufu sodas...yeah i started that bud.
.. anfamna75. talk to me.