For more than 10 years, people have successfully changed their bodies by following Body-for-LIFE pricipals, which are based on scientifically proven nutrition and training techniques. This evolved into a world-renowned fitness challenge in which millions of people have participated. In 1999, the book, Body-for-LIFE, which is based on these pricipals, was published. Since then, more than 4 million people have read the book and embraced the fact that this is not a fad, but a way of life!
Body-for-LIFE Principals
Find Your Reason To Change
When you decide to change and you know your reasons for changing, you create the energy you need to make it all happen.
Set Goals
Once you've made the decision to change you need to set goals you can strive for during the 12-Week program. As you accomplish them, you'll begin to notice the transformation happening before your eyes.
Modify Your Nutrition
Make it your goal to eat six small meals a day, every few hours. University Research shows that active people who eat infrequently may more readily store unburned calories as fat. Small, frequent meals accelerate your metabolism and help you burn fat. Also, make sure to balance carbohydrate and protein intake. Each meal should contain a balanced portion of lean protein and complex carbohydrates. Your body needs each of these crucial macronutrients so that you can perform at your best and maintain stable energy levels.
Workout Less, Not More
Studies show that the stimulation required to trigger muscle growth happens fast or not at all. That's why Body-for-LIFE consists of three highly effective strength-training sessions and three high-intensity cardio sessions each week, for total of only 4 hours a week
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