Park Banana profile picture

Park Banana

About Me

"Park Banana" was created by Apostolos Vasiliadis and John Tselikas, which had in mind a project with a lot of different music styles that involved mostly Funk and Black Metal. They had a problem though..... They hadn 't found a singer that would make the dream come true. A voice from heaven told John to put a post around Thessaloniki. Several days later, the phone rang! It was the revelation that St John had been foretold! It was Paul Papadopoulos. Despite the promising career that was in front of them they ended playing in Papagalos Bar things like Red hot chili peppers, Ramones, Nirvana, Offspring, Marduk and Ice In Eyes. After they had tried Ilias Tsaprounis as a drummer(FlaShock) they understood that they needed a more open minded member. This gap was filled by Nikos Giorgas. The band was doing great until an obligation to the legendary army of Greece came to ruin Nikos dreams. To be continued... !Français..."Park Banana" a été créée par Apostolos Vasiliadis et Jean Tselikas, qui ont eu à l'esprit un projet avec beaucoup de différents modèles de musique que la plupart du temps trouille impliquée et métal noir. Ils ont eu un problème cependant..... Ils n'avaient pas trouvé un chanteur. Une voix de ciel a indiqué John mettre un poteau autour de Thessaloniki. Plusieurs jours plus tard, le téléphone a sonné ! C'était la révélation que la rue Jean avait été prévue ! C'était Paul Papadopoulos. En dépit de la carrière prometteuse qui était devant eux ils ont fini le jeu dans des choses de barre de Papagalos comme les poivres d'un rouge ardent, le Ramones, le Nirvâna, la progéniture, le Marduk et la glace de piment dans les yeux. Après qu'ils aient essayé Ilias Tsaprounis pendant qu'un drummer(FlaShock) ils comprenait qu'ils ont eu besoin d'un plus membre occupé ouvert. Cet espace a été rempli par Nikos Giorgas. La bande était faire grand jusqu'à ce qu'un engagement à l'armée légendaire de la Grèce soit venu pour ruiner des rêves de Nikos. Être continué... !
Italiano...... I "Park Banana" sono stati creati da Apostolos Vasiliadis e da Giovanni Tselikas i quali volevano mettere insiene un progetto con molti stili musicali, tra questi anche funk e black metal. C'era un problema pero....non riuscivano a trovare un cantante che avrebbe potuto realizzare il loro sogno. Una voce dal cielo ha detto a Giovanni di mettere un avviso a Salonicco. Qualche giorno dopo il telefono ha suonato. Era l'apocalisse che era stata preannunciata a Giovanni. Era Paolo. Infischiandosene della brillante carriera che alevano d' avanti, sono finiti a sonare al "Papagallo" bar cose come Rossi piccanti peperoni di chilly, Ramoni, Nirvana, Progenie, Marduk e ghiaccio negli occhi. Dopo qualche prova con Ilia come batterista hanno capito che gli serviva un batterista piu aperto. Questo vuoto e stato riempito da Nico. Il gruppo stava cominciando a funzionare fino a quando un obbligo del leggendario esercito greco e arrivato a rompere le uova nel paniere della band........CONTINUA
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Member Since: 06/04/2007
Band Members:

    Vocals: Paulos Papadopoulos Guitar,Vocals: Apostolos Vasiliadis Bass: Giannis Tselikas Drums: Nikos Giorgas

Influences: Red hot chili peppers,Ramones,Offspring,Muse
Sounds Like: Atmospheric dark epic punk black and death along with heavy, power metal, thrash funk and electrogoth elements
Record Label: Unsigned

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