BIGRYAN!! @ THE OLD ROCK HOUSE This Is BIGRYAN playing 4 kenny Ryan Williams was given a gift from God and a talent to play drums. By the age of 7, Ryan took playing drums seriously. He’s saw that God had given him a gift to play the drums. His father, Robin Williams, helped him and showed him everything he knew. He taught him the basics everything from keeping the pocket to the tightest rolls. By the age of 9, Ryan was doing a little praise and worship at the greater Mt. Zion Christian Church, now known as a New Life Christian Church. By the age of 12, Ryan was receiving pointers from Joey Oscar. Joey Oscar, a profound musician in his own right would show Ryan how to keep his timing and teach him how to count. When Ryan turned 12, he would sit behind Joey Oscar and watch everything he did. Joey Oscar was in his opinion, one of his mentor. At the New Life Christian Church, Ryan became the full-time drummer. Between the ages of 14 and 15 years old, Ryan became disciplined, focused, and his skills sharpened. At the City of Life Christian Church, where he is a member he has played with Benjamin Jones, Bill Henderson, and briefly with Daryl Black. All of the above have encouraged Ryan to remain grounded. Bill, one of Ryan’s current mentors, has taken Ryan under his wing to show him everything that he knows, Ryan is now the drummer at the City of Life Christian Church and the main drummer for his highschool gospel choir. Ryan is currently taking classes in Music Theory and Piano at the Village Music Academy. Success in the making; Ryan Williams.
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