SHOW YOUR STRIPES! (looking for a new guitarist) profile picture

SHOW YOUR STRIPES! (looking for a new guitarist)

Shooting at the walls of heartache!

About Me

Blah blah, we play poppy punk rock that we wished sounded like a speeded up version of Jawbreaker but it doesn’t so we’re just kinda content with the whole thing. A massive thanks to everyone who’s helped up this far, we’ve been having such a blast!
We are writing epic new tunes, definitely a progression! Fair few fun shows coming up, come hang out. - - - - -
"There’s melodies, riffs, hard hitting drums - to be honest it’s all here if you like the genre of music. And a lot of it is done in less than 2 minutes, meaning it never outstays it’s welcome. The songs here are pretty damn good and played with energy and enthusiasm. Good things could be round the corner". 3.5 / 5"Show Your Stripes bring on a hurricane of hardcore that seems quite unstoppable, I’m having trouble just getting a photo of the guys. The guys are literally running and jumping around the stage all the time, only taking time out between songs to have a little chat with the audience about past gigs and World of Warcraft.
Bringing these elements into the songs, they certainly aren’t afraid to break the fourth wall throughout the set. The material, being aligned very much with the hardcore side, was always dominated by a frantic pace, screaming vocals and lot’s of riffs from the guitars." - Review of us @ Band Blitz at MK Pitz

My Interests


Member Since: 4/6/2007
Band Members: Smashers
Influences: The Movielife
Broadway Calls
We The Kings
The Swellers
Stay Gold
Face To Face
Minor Threat
Reach The Sky
The Wonder Years
The Ergs
The Descendents
Forever The Sickest Kids
American Nightmare
Degrassi Junior High
New Found Glory
Motion City Soundtrack

Sounds Like: We’ve shared the stage with the likes of.. Set Your Goals, The First Step, No Trigger, Dirty Money, The Wonder Years, Chaos Days, Pickled Dick, Your Demise, Dungeons, Never So True, 4ft Fingers, and so on..

T-shirts coming soon!

Type of Label: None

My Blog

New guitarist (we need one).

Well as most of you know we have parted ways with our vocalist matt ,witch leaves us short handed so what we have decided to do is move si onto vocals and find a new guitarist to join the sys crew ,so...
Posted by SHOW YOUR STRIPES! (looking for a new guitarist) on Fri, 18 Apr 2008 02:42:00 PST

Sad Times.

It is with regret that we announce the departure of our singer Matt. After starting the band a year ago, he has now decided to pursue his interests in other musical endeavors and will be sorely misse...
Posted by SHOW YOUR STRIPES! (looking for a new guitarist) on Wed, 09 Apr 2008 08:23:00 PST

BRAND NEW! 'Straight From The Cutting Room Floor' EP

Well it's been a long time coming but we finally got our act together and sorted out our brand new CD "Straight From The Cutting Room Floor"! We're having a launch night for it at The Loaded Dog in Lo...
Posted by SHOW YOUR STRIPES! (looking for a new guitarist) on Mon, 19 Nov 2007 09:44:00 PST


Feel free to learn them and come sing along at shows! INTRO/SHOWYOURSTRIPESSHOW YOUR STRIPES!BE PROUD OF YOUR LIFE!SHOW YOUR STRIPES!MAKE IT RIGHT!CONCRETE CASHSo you have a high I.Qand I know it's th...
Posted by SHOW YOUR STRIPES! (looking for a new guitarist) on Sun, 22 Apr 2007 02:37:00 PST

LIVE VIDEOS! (band blitz heat)

Check these out and let us know what you think please, gives you a good idea of the sound..We might take some down but put up a load for now!Third ever show this one, first at the Pitz :)We managed to...
Posted by SHOW YOUR STRIPES! (looking for a new guitarist) on Thu, 02 Aug 2007 08:00:00 PST