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About Me


Small, stupid things keep me happy an amused.

My attention span is shite, unless it's nessasacery

I love my job already and cannot wait for training to finish.

I get what i want, no matter what, but i'm not spoilt as i get it myself. I've worked hard to get where i am and i'll keep working hard for however long it takes.

I want I'm going to have a big house, 2 floors, a garage and driveway, a big(ish) back garden with a tree with a tree house in it at the end of the garden. and a pond.

Ashlei dressed in white, but the sexy for my eyes only type=]

My Interests


April 26th, must remember that... She'd kill me... No serious, she would :|

I don't know what to say about her, i don't know what to say about us. i cannot put it into word's how she makes me feel, how i feel for her. People always say, 'i've never felt this way about "insert name"', and it sound's cheesy as fuck and a ly. So i'm going to join that group. But i am being totally honest when i say it. You don't have to belive me as there's only 2 people in this world that have to belive it, me and Ashlei.

She treat's me like i'm a person. Always want's to see me, talk to me, be with me, nobodys been like that before. She doesn't make me feel like i need to go out and buy her anything, or take her out to fancy places, she let's me be me, and her be her. When i'm with her, i'm the biggest big kid in the world. I'm constantly smiling, constantly talking, constantly aroused (ask her). She's pritty much everything to me.

Fuck sake, it's only been a month and abit but it doesn't feel that way already...

She accepts me for who i am and what i do, and respects it, and i do to her aswell.

I trust her fully already.

I'll never let anything bad happen to her. Got a problem with her, even the slightest, look at her the wrong way, say the smallest thing about her, and believe me, you'll wish you never woke up a few years ago.

I'm not just a soldier in the British Army, i'm her soldier. And for once, i can fully say that i am all hers and no-one elses.

She's amazing.

She's FUCKING gorgoues

She's short

She's perfect

She has an amazing sense of humour

She never shuts the fuck up

She's got great style

She's rather fucking sexy

She's AMAZING in bed, with her wee girly snore when she sleeps =]

She's solid enough that if she was a teapot, she'd cool the water instead of boiling it...

She may be over half a foot smaller than me, and a couple years younger, but i personally look up to her

She's all mine, and i don't deserve her.

I'll do anything for her

I'd like to meet:



lotek vancouver web vid

Get this video and more at MySpace.com

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Black Hawk Down
Saving Private Ryan
We were soldiers
Fight Club
earthed 1


bravo two zero
tom clacy: rainbow six - reading atm


all they riders who when i watch ride, i wan a go out ride

My Blog

Bike Check: Jane

cockpit:Frame: Federal Hamiltion 20" 06Bars: BSD sleazyStem: S&M Redneck XLT stemForks: S&M Pitchfork XLT 14mmHeadset: FSAGrips: ShadowBar Ends: shadowBrake: Brake: Lotek delta size 10Seating:...
Posted by B.R on Tue, 12 Dec 2006 02:41:00 PST