For the past Several years, I have dedicated my life to fighting for basic civil rights for those of us without them. From Texas to Ohio, weather working on gay rights campaigns to ensure equality for our families or fighting for just basic rights of undocumented imagrants who we use to lower our cost of living; I have experienced the ugliness of frontline politics first hand. I have seen poisonous stereotypes tear apart our people, our friendships, & our families. As many of my fellow Americans have told me, "if you don't like it, you can leave". Well all I have to say to that is... "I aint leavin." I will go to the fight. If Bush goes to Iraq, I'll go to Texas. I have moved back to Ohio from Montana where I worked for an organization to help heal our country's decaying democracy. America's values of freedom and equality are this country's most valuable assets, and now is the time we must decide if we want to preserve them, or throw them away for divisive politics and herreditary rule...
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