Jonathan profile picture


Hear ye! Hear ye! Here be Monkey boi Extraordinary

About Me

Aaaarrggghhh!!! What do you want? Go away. Stop shouting at me!!!! I know i'm half mad and half sane, either way, i'm game. Um, i'm also an unpleasantly nice guy who displays rude courtesy. I curtsie for women after using the backdoor. don't have to listen to my ramblings if you don't like it you know? why are you still following me? Fuck you. Go fuck yourself. Like i did. What? Who am i talking to? Why the guy reading this of course. what's that mom? Oh sorry for using profanities online and displaying such weird behaviour. I go now. Sorry.

My Interests

A very special someone, making women happy, cunnilingus, making out, spanking the monkey (spank me! I'm the monkey), girls, drinking, listening to your problems, Warhammer , camping, flirting, partying and other wild radical stuff

I'd like to meet:

I've already met my Baby & Reshmonu
, now i'd like to meet you! (Only if you're one of those people with something called a 'vagina' between your legs)


Pachabel - Canon in D, Drowning Pool, Les Miserables, Tchaikovsky, Evanescense, Techno, Rave, Metal. No R&B or Hip Hop please. Its a lil too cheesy and they play it non-stop everyday.


Boondock Saints, Braveheart, Yamakazi, Forest Gump, Mad Max, Monthy Python's The Holy Grail, Your parent's home video.


Annoying Advertistments!!!!


I can't read but i know how to write my name. And i like looking at steamy ones


Superman is out-dated. Everyone wears G-string or goes commando now. He's still in normal undies. Sad! How can he be my hero when i don't even wear underwear anymore?

My Blog

No title

Just finished another assignment. My group doesn't seem to happy with me. Heh. Anyway, Dawn's back in Penang i hear and there's this hot white chick who looks like Jennifer Garner sitting 2 seats away...
Posted by Jonathan on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Birthday shout-outs go to my cousin Peter and Kristy over at Sydney!
Posted by Jonathan on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Fucked up curriy inspectors and Jap festivals

Went to Jap festivla in Boxhill with Chan today. George and Peter followed us. I found it boring though. Jap stuff just isn't my cup of tea. Shit happened yesterday anyway. Ivan wanted to go pas...
Posted by Jonathan on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Dinner with Trish

Had dinner with Trish today. We went to Lygon. It was sort of a belated b'day dinner for her. I had carbonara and she had marinara adn we shared some fried eggplant (Nocturno's speciality). After that...
Posted by Jonathan on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Jon is smart

I may be a damn lazy ass mutha-fucker, but i have to admit...I am SMART *grin* I got someone else to do my assignment for me. I just had to share my knowledge with her. Explain to her the answers and ...
Posted by Jonathan on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Went to Valour last night. It sucked. Someone told me it was Techno but i went and it was just R&B. It wans't even really a club. It was just a pub converted into a club for that night. Waste both ym ...
Posted by Jonathan on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

I'm gonna die

Yayy, I'm gonna die on Sunday June 21, 2020. That's another 15 years. i get to die before i hit 40 too, and jsut in time to see if Dr mahatir's dream does come true....
Posted by Jonathan on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Kill Bill vol. 2

I just saw Kill Bill Vol. 2 the other day with Ivan, Kah Hung, my cousin Peter, George and the 2 ma chas. The show was alright but i thought the 1st one was better. Pai Mei with his 5 finger exploding...
Posted by Jonathan on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Law Assignment over!!!

Yayy!!! My bloody 3000 word assignment is over. S'meagol is free! Check out G.I. Joe
Posted by Jonathan on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Some cunt thought it was funny...

to put shrink wrap over my toilet bowl. Stupid neighbour forgot tolock the other door. I thikn the joke was emant for him though. Anyhow, it didn't work on me. Thankfully i turned on the lgith this ti...
Posted by Jonathan on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST