A very special someone, making women happy, cunnilingus, making out, spanking the monkey (spank me! I'm the monkey), girls, drinking, listening to your problems, Warhammer , camping, flirting, partying and other wild radical stuff
I've already met my Baby & Reshmonu
, now i'd like to meet you! (Only if you're one of those people with something called a 'vagina' between your legs)
Pachabel - Canon in D, Drowning Pool, Les Miserables, Tchaikovsky, Evanescense, Techno, Rave, Metal. No R&B or Hip Hop please. Its a lil too cheesy and they play it non-stop everyday.
Boondock Saints, Braveheart, Yamakazi, Forest Gump, Mad Max, Monthy Python's The Holy Grail, Your parent's home video.
Annoying Advertistments!!!!
I can't read but i know how to write my name. And i like looking at pictures...hot steamy ones
Superman is out-dated. Everyone wears G-string or goes commando now. He's still in normal undies. Sad! How can he be my hero when i don't even wear underwear anymore?