My brother had an original nintendo system in the 1980's that he and I used to play but he sold his. I was able to buy an original nintendo system in 2005 on ebay because I had good childhood memories playing nintendo. My favorite nintendo games are the super mario games but I hate super mario brothers two. I like the original one and super mario brothers 3. I also have the pacman game for my original nintendo system.Nintendo came out with new systems in the 90's and is still coming out with systems in the year 2000 and beyond. Nintendo came out with super nintendo and nintendo 64 in the 90's. Nintendo came out with gamecube in 2000 and the latest nintendo machine is Wii .Those are my pictures of the pacman games, they had arcade machines with pacman on them in the 80's and in the 80's they had the pacman video game for the original nintendo system. I still love to play pacman to this day.
The pictures of real my little ponies are not my ponies but pictures of my little ponies that I found in photobucket.