music, movies, literature (yes, books...a novel concept, I pun intended), theater, writing, politics, cooking, wine, anthropology, art, baseball (Yankees and Dodgers), coloring books, rugby (NZ All Blacks), making ridiculously kick-ass mix tapes, the Pants Dance
Anthony Bourdain.
Stuff that doesn't suck: usually rock-oriented, The Clash, Guster, Garbage, The Beatles, Liz Phair (before she went all pop on me), The Shins, Jeff Buckley, Simon and Garfunkel, The Jayhawks, The New Pornographers, David Bowie...many, many more that I'm too lazy to list...oh, and anything that Jeffrey writes/singsMY NEW LIST OF BANDS CURRENTLY ON HEAVY IPOD ROTATION: New York Dolls and Regina Spektor
Dr. Strangelove, The Goodbye Girl, Anything Monty Python, Zoolander, Amelie, Sabrina, My Fair Lady, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Young Frankenstein, Better Off Dead, High Fidelity, Whale Rider, The Dinner Game, Waiting For Guffman
South Park, Arrested Development, Family Guy, The Daily Show, Project Runway, Studio 60, Grey's Anatomy, Miami Ink
The Unbearable Lightness of Being, Behind the Scenes at the Museum, The Importance of Being Earnest, Emma, Pride and Prejudice, Lolita (I'm totally getting into Nabokov)
My Daddy. How cheesy is that?Also, Ezekiel the wheelchair-bound pirate.And Danielle, because she rocks the 7-10 split like no one else.