AmY.. profile picture


dancing dresses in Paris.. my Paris & me, dancing in those dresses

About Me

me me me
crazy unmeaning conversations & laughing without a reason
kisses in the hall kisses in the kitchen kisses in the bedroom kisses in the elivator kisses in the rain foodkisses butterfly kisses french kisses kisses kisses kisses & more kisses

I adore..
the smell of dawn on an early summerday
thé movie trailer voice
homemade Tom popcorn!
playing baseball on the beach & finding seashels & jumping the waves..(but keep the fish from my toes away!!)
rythm DANCING streetdance battles
camping at rockfestivals or just at the coast
dresses who dance by theirselfs my own one day daydreaming my desire
old empty houses
my family tree my last name where do I come from?! I love my name!
vintage stores
the seventies pumps the eighties wild hairdo's and don'ts
fingernails through my hair
smooshing time!
I dislike horror movies!!!
wie nooit bitter heeft geproefd.. weet niet wat zoet is..
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My Interests

...... art, dance, fashion, music, architecture, photography, film, culture, performence, cabaret, writing, daydreaming, travelling, reading, smiling, mijn schatje, my two beautiful angels, life and my history ....

I'd like to meet:

a timetraveler




..... Musicals.. Romance.. black&white movies.. foreign movies.. en francais.. Tsotsi.. alternative.. Ginger Rogers&Fred Astaire.. Nicolas Cage.. Action.. willy wonka and the chocolate factory.. Sience Fiction.. Fantasy.. chickmovies(!!).. old movies.. Quentin Tarantino.. 80s teenmovies.. Almost Famous.. Disney.. the Goonies.. reality.. the secret garden.. mystery.. fairytales.. comedy.. the neverending story.. *sigh* I can go on and on and on..


Dr. Seuss


//There are those who you know for life and those you see for just a moment, all they leave behind are their footprints//

My Blog

everybody’s free (wise words)

Ladies and Gentlemen of the class of '97. Wear sunscreen.If I could offer you one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it. The long-term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by scientists whereas ...
Posted by AmY.. on Fri, 21 Dec 2007 02:16:00 PST

de mayonaise pot en de koffie..

DE MAYONAISEPOT EN DE KOFFIEAls de dingen in je leven je even allemaal te veel worden, als 24 uur in een dag niet meer genoeg tijd lijkt, denk dan eens aan dit bericht...Een professor stond voor de kl...
Posted by AmY.. on Mon, 02 Jul 2007 01:36:00 PST

Un peu de Poivre, un peu de sel

a lullaby my mom use to sing to me and my sister.. my sister bumped on it while looking for some great poems, songs etc for the newborn.I found it!!!UN PEU DE POIVRE, UN PEU DE SEL(P. Cauwenbergh / P....
Posted by AmY.. on Thu, 26 Apr 2007 12:24:00 PST

een nieuwjaarsbrief van mijn ukkepuk

van mijn metekindje:   Mijn Nieuwjaarsbrief,   Ogen dicht, sssstttt, sim-sala-bim-sala-baar, floeps, mijn wens is klaar. Samen zingen, samen springen. Duizend leuke dingen. Zonneschijn, een ...
Posted by AmY.. on Tue, 16 Jan 2007 06:41:00 PST

A toast to us.. 2007

This is a toast....2 us...  For the men who have us,  the losers who had us,and the lucky bastards who will meet us!! Up to 2007.....
Posted by AmY.. on Tue, 26 Dec 2006 01:36:00 PST