...... art, dance, fashion, music, architecture, photography, film, culture, performence, cabaret, writing, daydreaming, travelling, reading, smiling, mijn schatje, my two beautiful angels, life and my history ....
a timetraveler
..... Musicals.. Romance.. black&white movies.. foreign movies.. en francais.. Tsotsi.. alternative.. Ginger Rogers&Fred Astaire.. Nicolas Cage.. Action.. willy wonka and the chocolate factory.. Sience Fiction.. Fantasy.. chickmovies(!!).. old movies.. Quentin Tarantino.. 80s teenmovies.. Almost Famous.. Disney.. the Goonies.. reality.. the secret garden.. mystery.. fairytales.. comedy.. the neverending story.. *sigh* I can go on and on and on..
Dr. Seuss
//There are those who you know for life and those you see for just a moment, all they leave behind are their footprints//