Born in Izmir Turkey in 1984.i'm a musician as guitar player.I've graduated from Computer Technology and Programming department of Yasar University in 2006 summer.I've been playing guitar since when i was 16 years old.I've joined the Peximet band as guitar player in 2001.And till the day i've had in so many organisations and concert,bar cover projects.And some kind of other projects i've had shortly.On august 11-12 2007 i was in CEM KOKSAL's workshops.And i worked the musical theory,harmony,musical industry and recording technics in this workshop.Nowadays i've been keeping my musical life while having recordings and bar performances with many kind of bands in Izmir and Germany.
1984 yilinda Izmir'de dogdum.Gitaristim.2006 yazinda Yasar Universitesi Bilgisayar teknolojisi ve Programlama bolumunden mezun oldum.16 yasindan beri aktif olarak gitar calmaktayim.2001 yilinda gitarist olarak Peximet'e katildim.O gunden beri bir cok organizasyonda ve konser,bar,cover projelerinde birlikte calismaktayiz.Ve yan cesitli projelerde kisa sureli olarak calistim.Agustos ayi 11-12-2007 de CEM KOKSAL'in muzik atelyesinde bulundum.Ve muzik teorileri,armoni,muzik endustrisi ve kayit teknikleri uzerine kisa sureli egitim aldim.Su gunlerde Izmir'de ve Almanya' da cesitli gruplarla kayit performanslari,bar programlari yaparak muzik hayatima devam etmekteyim.