danny boy profile picture

danny boy

I'm not ready to make nice!

About Me

Try and keep up . . . I tend to care about people more than they do about me-I'm easily angered-I try to hide my feelings when I'm hurt-I'm impulsive-I'm friendly-I love to laugh-I love people who make me laugh-I don't like serious relationships, but I'm always wanting one-I don't like being close with many people-Ifall in love too easily-I love driving, espcially at night with no other drivers on the road-I love to sing in the shower and my car-I love sleeping in the car at night on road trips-I love the winter, even though I complain about it-I feel alone a lot-I feel depressed too-I love serious conversations-Just listen-Never underestimate me . . . I just may surprise you-I've hurt people . . . and I've been hurt-I've loved, lost and learned-Kathryn-Cora-Amareli-Dolly-Pat-Sara-I love when my dog and cat sleep at the end of my bed, it makes me feel warm, and loved . . . I know it sounds depressing, but they don't judge you and always love you-Even though I complain about moving, I don't really care-I hate Mondays-Randomness . . . what a great personality-I love dancing, even though I always look like an ass-I hate competition, people tend to become too involved in themselves-Bragging . . . who cares, seriously, great for you-The truth may hurt, but at least you know how I feel-Don't lie to me, please-Everyone conforms, deal with it-I love my phone, but I hate talking on it-Saturday mornings at Starbucks before it opens-I'm crabby-I love brand new socks, but I always seem to loose them-I love music-I love hugs-Sometimes I love everybody-Sometimes I hate everybody-Trust . . . lets try it for awhile-Peanut M&M's . . . mmmm-Rmember when we believed in Santa . . . weren't those the best Christmas'-I'm always cold-I love the moment just before you wake up-I love Dolly's smile and when she smiles-I love bluberry muffins-I hate when you get hair in your mouth-Why does everyone hate reading my handwriting-I love my family-I love food-Cheese stuffed pretzels-Weird noises fascinate me-Playdoh!-Rob Nye dancing in English . . . priceless-School . . . don't make me see it-Talking is overrated-I just want to sit next to someone and watch a movie-A/P Bio sucks-I like being quite even though I feel like yelling-Some people just suck-I like the color Green-I like paperclips- Lotion is weird-I hate the word sarcasism-Hello Mr. Gump-I love nicknames-Badmitten with Emma-I'm the deli llama-Delayed . . . that's a cool word-That was harsh-Castle of the whiteness-I can't win . . . ever-If you say "I thought" is that a question or a statement . . . who knows-I'm Dolly-This apple is heavy-Stop laughing-Mellow-I'll finish this later . . .-I know I ramble and I know I mumble . . . sorry can't really help it-My kind of town Chicago is . . .-Cleveland rocks-Lets party like it's 1999-Why do I always think about the future-Buying gas blows!!!-Isn't procrastination just a fancy word for lazy-I like the warm feeling of the sun on my back-What's with Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, & Star Wars . . . ?-The Notebook amazes me-Robin Williams . . . !!!!-Mr. Rogers . . . !!-Don't get me started on politics, I'll never shut up-I need to get to the point, sometime today- Quit teasing and deliver-God . . . !?!-These thoughts wont stop-One day at a time-LOUD NOISES-Afternoon Delight-Stop'N'Go-There needs to be rules for stairs . . . it's too hetic-Okay I'm done . . .
Life is Random...ask questions
Ocean or Lake? Ocean
Pizza or Chinese? Pizza
Mansion or Penthouse? Penthouse
Have you been on a Jet Ski? Yes
Are you afraid of clowns? Hell yeah, those fuckers are scary!!
How many brothers/sisters do you have? 1 half-sister, 1 half-brother, 1 twin-brother, 2 step-sisters, and finally 3 step-brothers!
Favorite band/group? Look over to the left . . .b
Baseball or football? Baseball . . . go Cubbies!!

Favorite brand of makeup? N/A
Waffles or pancakes? Waffles
Do you have an IPod? Yes, a Nano
Bike or scooter? Bike
Ever go in a hot air balloon? No
How will you celebrate turning 21? I'll probably pass out!
What brand computer do you have? HP
How many times have you been to DisneyWorld? Once, when I was 3
Favorite city? Chicago
Ice cream or frozen yogurt? Niether
Do you think you are fat? Nope
Ever throw up in a public place? Yes
Do you have a pool? No
Ever drive a car? I own a Grand Prix
How many times a month do you go to the movies? 2-3
Last movie you saw? Miami Vice
Who is your hero? Chris Farley
How old are your parents? 50-ish
What deceased person would you like to meet? Chris Farley
Do you chew ice? Yea, is that weird?
Have you been to California? Yes . . . I saw Jay Leno, Vince Vaughn, Julia Stiles, Jo-Jo and The Wreckers!!
Last book you read? The little book on Cannabis
Favorite teacher? Mr. Dayton
Do you like to go fishing? No
How many boyfirends/girlfriends have you had? 5
How many of those do you regret? None, it was SO much fun!
What is you average in school? 3.6 GPA
Favorite professional team? The Chicago Cubs . . . duh!!!
Do you like mohawks? Yea, on certain people they look good
How many pairs of shoes do you own? 4
Do you floss? My dentist does
Do you have braces? No
Do you bite your nails? Yes, it's hard to stop! . . . nervous habit
What is your last thought before falling asleep?&..39;
Do you fall in love easily? I've had alot of crushes
Ever have a crush and they never knew? Yea
Do you babysit? No, little people scare me, they judge you!
Ever been shot at? I shot myself with a BB Gun, and my brother once ashot me in the back of the head at point blank range with a paintball gun . . . asshole!!
Do you work out/exercise? No, I have a high metabolism!!
Do you have 6 pack abs? No
Do you consider yourself nice? Yes
What movie character would you like to be? Comic Releif
Do you go to camp for the summer? No, what am I . . . 12!
Ever been bit by a snake? No
Have you been on a boat? Yes
Name of friend you have known the longest? Kristin Katzner
Do you like jumping on a trampoline? Yes, espcially at 3 in the morning at Cora's!
Ever break a bone? No
Name of favorite Aunt/Uncle? All of them!
What is your ultimate job? I want to shoot chickens out of a cannon at planes!
Do you want to walk on the moon? I don't really care
Can you name the seven dwarfs? Dopey, Bashful, Grumpy, Happy, Doc, Sleepy, and Sneezy!
Favorite TV show? FRIENDS & Grey's Anatomy
Apples or oranges? Oranges
Favorite of car? Grand Prix
Favorite flower? Lillies . . . I don't know, who gives a F@$%
Favorite color? Green and Brown
Besides family, ever have someone of the opp in your bedroom? All the time
Ever climb out your bedroom window? Yes
Do you live in an apartment or house? House
How many times in the last month have you had the hiccups? At least twice
Ever laugh so hard milk came out your nose? No, kool-aide
How many cousins do you have? Too many!!!
Do you believe in ghosts? Yes, I saw one once!
If you were a bird, what would you be? A cardinal
Ever get stitches? Yes
If you could, would you want to know what your future was going to be? . . . . .?
How many kids do you want to have? None
If you could change your name, what would it be? Robert Bradley
Dogs or cats? Dogs
Who do you tell your problems to? Hmmmm, let me guess . . . My girlfriend Cora!
Who can your tell your secrets to and know they wont tell? Cora . . . duh!
Do you believe in love at first sight? ?????
Do you go to church? Sometimes
Would you marry outside your religon? Yes
Volleyball or tennis? Volleyball . . . even better, Cage Ball!!! -MCHS East
How many people were at your last party? ?????
Ever ride in a limo? No, I really want to though!
Ever drink champagne? Did I ever drink Champagne . . . :)
Favorite dinner? Anything Italian
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My Interests

My life is my interest!

I'd like to meet:

I would love to meet a girl who could make me smile just by lookin at her. Make me laugh at a whim, or about a time when we looked like idiots. Some one who's heart beats faster every time they think about me! I want someone who I can be honest with, always. someone who I can trust 100% I want a best friend, a lover . . . I want to express my feelings, expressions, myself with another person in a way that I can't with my friends and family!!!


The Fugitive-Air Force One-Mrs. Doubtfire-Wedding Crashers-Anchorman-The Break Up-The Lake House-Tommy Boy-Black Sheep-Oceans 11 & 12-The X-Men Trilogy-The Great Escape!


My favorite show before I started working was FRIENDS . . . I loved that show . . . I miss that show!!!!!Now, it's Grey's Anatomy!!


The Pleasure of My Company-Steve Martin & Of Mice and Men-John Stienbeck. Also, The Da-Vinci Code!



Hosted at MySpaceNow.com

This is Melvin, he's my hero! Dolly is one of my best friends, she can always make me smile!!!!

My Blog

Darwin Award

The Ann Arbor News crime column reported that a man walked into a Burger King in Ypsilanti, Michigan at 5 a.m., flashed a gun, and demanded cash. The clerk turned him down because he said he...
Posted by danny boy on Fri, 03 Feb 2006 07:54:00 PST