(*MiXED.UP]</3 profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Lif3 iS to0 SH0Rt. GRUDG3s AR3 A WASt3 0f P3RfECt HAPPiN3SS. LAUGh WEN U CAN. AP0LiGiZ3 WEN U Sh0UlD. &+ L3t G0 Of Wht U CNt ChNGE. L0V3 DEEPly &ND F0RGiV3 QUiCkly. TAkE ChAnC3s. GiVE 3VRy-ThiNG && HAVE N0 R3GRETs. LiF3 iS To0 ShORt 2BE UNHAPPy. Y0U HAV3 TO TAKE TH3 Go0D w.THE BADD. SMil3 WEN U AR3 SAD. LOVE WHt U G0t AlWAyz. R3MEMB3R WHt U HAD. AlWAyz F0RGiVE &+ L3ARN 4RM UR MiSTAkEs. Ppl CHNG3 &ND THiNGz GO WRNG. BUT AlWAYz REM3MBER. . . LiF3 G0Es ON.! :)

My Interests

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imikimi - Customize Your World!

My Blog

Dime que te pasoeSi no te tengo lloro.

feYo que tanto te ame y tu jugaste, con mi querer. A ti que te vaya bien y que puedas encontrar lo que en mi no encontraste. Por ti yo me moria. Y tu me pagas con mentiras. Por eso voy a olvidarte.! D...
Posted by on Fri, 14 Nov 2008 02:23:00 GMT

Im not gon lie....I do miss you.e

 I believe it was a Wednesday when I caught your eye and we caught onto something. I hold onto the night, you looked me in the eye and said "Te Quiero". Were you just kidding.? Because it seems t...
Posted by on Fri, 14 Nov 2008 01:17:00 GMT

Just cant do this anymore.</3

eThe girl who seemed UnBrokable; Broke.! eThe girl who seemed strong; Crumbled.! eThe girl who always laughed; Cried.! eThe girl who never stops trying; Gave up.! eShe dropped a fake smile as a t...
Posted by on Thu, 06 Nov 2008 01:46:00 GMT