Skullz, Dark Poetry, Horror Films, Money, Puzzles, Investigations, Alternative Rock, Loud Places, Quiet Places, Adrenaline Rushes, Heights, Edgar Allen Poe, The Raven, Bill O'Reily, David Letterman, Computerz, Ipodz, Cellphone,Driving In Any Direction, Music, Lights, Black Lights, Glow N Da Dark, Cameras, Camcorders, Guitar, Piano, Breaking Stuff, Eating, Double Cheese Burgers, Burritos, Pizza, Cheeze, Cheedar, Colognes, Movies, Theaters, Sleeping Late, Money, Nights Outside, Full Moons, Karaoke, Shoes, Walmart, Family Dollar Munchies, Gum, Pain, Pain Killers
Poster Images from
From Country to Rock, Hip hop
I'm A Movie Rat, pretty much anything is fine with me [sad to say but yea even chick flicks]
not a whole lot, i do use it for my xbox tho
Edgar Allen Poe,
The Founding Fathers, they created the framework which still stands till this day in this country
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