huxley profile picture


"if she spanners me, i'll kick off!"

About Me

im a dad to an absolutely amazing little girl, and i get to play music with people i love!click on the banner and have a ganders!

and it has to be said that panda's are quite simply the one of the most intersting things in the world. end of.

My Interests

my daughter, music, my band, music, tattoos.

I'd like to meet:



anything and everything with meaning.


They Live, Twins, Farenheit 9/11, Bowling for columbine, Spirited Away, The Macpherson Tape and finding nemo...


peep show, nathan barley, two pints and the tweenies


Them, Dude Where's My Country, Not My Business (to be fair i don't read very much much!)


complete and utter genius in my eyes:

My Blog

Life and it's entire randomness

Basically. I've never written like a personal blog before, so I do apologise if I go off the mark and rabble on too much!My last 6 months has been the most epic of rollercoaster rides for me. My world...
Posted by huxley on Sat, 20 Jan 2007 08:55:00 PST