There are a lot of things that interest me, Food, Sex and Music being the top three. But not in that particular order. ;)
I would also love to spend a year going to every single F1 race, but I think it would be cheaper to get a job in the industry. But then agian I could win the lottery or robb a bank... any takers? =)
Every fall I get hyped up about college Football and cheer on my alma mater the Purdue Boilermakers. Then by October I'm fully into the Baseball playoffs, but I swtitch back to College Football after the World Series. Ofcourse there are the BCS bowls around New Years then Super Bowl in late Jan, early Feb. By March, it time for the F1 season to start and every 4 years there is the World cup Finals during the summer.
Sports nut? Mebbe just a lil. =)
......................I really don't have a clue as to who I would like to meet. Maybe just new and random people to spice up life. =)
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What ever's on TV when I turn it on.....
Lots of the History Channel, Discovery Channel...
CSI Miami
Initial D(anime)
The Alchemist - Paulo Coehlo
Eleven Minutes - Paulo Coehlo
The Talbot Oddesy - Nelson DeMille
The Magus - John Fowles
Hell (Bellmarsh) - Jeffrey Archer
and most of Jeffrey Archer's Books
My parents & my brother.