Member Since: 4/5/2007
Band Members: Stolen from Indeavor:
Bass-Vocals-chick magnet : Ruben "hot-pants" Shizzle
Abducted from zandvoorde-city:
3th gitarist-looks: Jens "something-something" Bizzle
Straight outta compton:
12th gitarist-all round sexyness: Krulle "redhead" Rizzle
Out on penitentiary leave:
Drums-hiding behind the drums: Michiel "No-pants" Dizzle
HAHA! the roadie question. At this time being, two people are strugling for our love, and the satisfing job taking care of our every need.
these two are Ken and Veebele, and offcoure, we will settle this conflict on our first show, where the two will fight till death!
bets can be placed here!
odds are;
Ken vs Veebele
1 : 2
eventhough ken has his agility and speed, veebele got his fat which is a killer!
Influences: everything we've ever listened to...except good music that is
Sounds Like: That Thing You Make In The Lavatory...
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None