amelia profile picture


omg lol!

About Me

my indian princess name is orca.

My Interests

contradictions, the challenge of discomfort and the perfection of discordance. teachers who can't spell, being awake when everyone else is sleeping, a certain quick-footed tortoise, mistaking a man for a woman and checking him out, horses who buck professionals off and let 6-year olds ride them, bare feet in the snow, drug addicts who study advanced mathematics, finding a prized possession in someone else's garbage pile, religious righters who get abortions

I'd like to meet:

fun adventurers, road trippers, drivers who share the road with bicyclists, bicyclists who cut of SUV's, impromptu 2am diner goers, story tellers, catch in the park players, dressagers, coffee shop studiers, beer drinkers, people watchers, hot queers


where do i, bright eyes, rilo kiley, the mountain goats, white stripes, buena vista social club, catie curtis, nappy roots, ani, paul simon, stars, arcade fire, ben gibbard (dcfc, postal service), bloc party, josh ritter, the cure, kings of leon, metric, the blue scholars, the arctic monkeys, damian marley, dar williams, the decemberists, the elected, jorge drexler, old pearl jam/nirvana, wolf parade, the shins, sufjan stevens, tegan and sara, yeah yeah yeahs


the three amigos, christopher guest stuff, the newsies, but i'm a cheerleader, pirates of the caribbean (after a hard exam), national velvet, eddie izzard's dress to kill, top gun


laguna beach, hey dude, six feet under, queer as folk, and whatever show everyone gathers weekly at our apartment to watch (depending on the season: top chef, america's next top model, project runway)


Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius (ultimate favorite), Fountainhead, Little Black the Pony, anything by Tom Robbins, The Girl Who Loved Wild Horses, bad lesbian erotica, I love love love Dave Eggers and I generally trust McSweeneys' recommendations. also, re-reading any book I loved as a kid


elizabeth taylor in national velvet

My Blog

the good thing about spam

is that i get to hear from people i haven't talked to forever! but uh...still...sorry about it.
Posted by amelia on Tue, 30 Jan 2007 04:20:00 PST

honolulu -> nyc

plans changed...i'll be back in nyc on 8/30. get ready to ruuuuummmmmbbbbbblllllllle!
Posted by amelia on Tue, 22 Aug 2006 11:38:00 PST

New Email Address

Hey MySpacers-I have a new email address, so if you need it let me know! Everything sent to my old email addresses is being forwarded for now. Woop!
Posted by amelia on Sun, 23 Jul 2006 03:14:00 PST


I officially got the genetic counseling/public health summer internship in Hawaii!  Waikiki here I come!
Posted by amelia on Wed, 01 Mar 2006 05:47:00 PST

Slight Gain for Critical Massers

Critical Mass: NYPD Carries Smaller Stick This Week By Sarah Ferguson | February 25, 2006 Busted again: Rob Barrett, pictured here after his arrest at last month's Critical Mass ride, with vouchers fo...
Posted by amelia on Sun, 26 Feb 2006 12:07:00 PST

if the worst thing about Seattle is that we're too nice...

Okay, Seattle, grab a grande, skinny, no-foam, half-caf Espresso Macchiato and let me explain why the Pittsburgh Steelers are going to grind you up like a Sumatra blend in Super Bowl XL. You suck at s...
Posted by amelia on Sun, 05 Feb 2006 07:24:00 PST

about time

Legislature 2006State gay-rights bill passed 29 years after effort began By Andrew Garber and Ralph ThomasSeattle Times staff reporters OLYMPIA  The Legislature passed a gay-rights bill for the fir...
Posted by amelia on Sun, 29 Jan 2006 04:54:00 PST