The Children of Chiapas Foundation is a grassroots and volunteer driven organization that exists through community support, financial contributions and volunteer efforts.
The Children of Chiapas Foundation seeks to provide funding to other local and international organizations that provide children with basic needs such as; shelter, food, clothing, education, healthcare and healthy recreational activities.
Please join us in our mission to improve children’s living conditions and education around the United States and Latinoamerica. You tax deductible will help support our current projects.
Such projects include:
-Azteca Award Scholarship Program
-Friends Without Borders Project (This program provides cultural and recreational activities for children in Mexico)
-Padrinos Without Borders Project (This program sponsors children in Mexico who cannot afford to continue their education past elementary school)
Please support our children by making a tax deductible donation to
Children of Chiapas Foundation at 8439Drayer Lane, Rosemead CA 91770 or by making a donation through pay pal by vsiting our blog
For more information or to volunteer, please contact us [email protected] or HERE!
Thank you for your time and interest,