racionalna devojka u danashnjem poludelom svetu...koji je moj fazon?ovako:imash jedan zivot, jednu shansu, zato ga prozivi punim plucima, ali ga ne baci uludo...nemoj da se plashish da zivish...nemoj da se kajesh, ali uchi na greshkama...ne zadovoljavaj se osrednjim ako mozesh bolje...uvek budi okruzen prijateljima, i nikad nemoj da povredish one koje volish...uzivaj u sitnicama, jer su one najbitnije...sanjaj, mashtaj, uzivaj u svetu koji stvarash...ako padnesh, ne misli da je to kraj, ustani i nastavi dalje, ne smesh da ostanesh da lezish, nema predaje bez otpora...bori se za ono sto volish i zelish, bori se da ostvarish svoje snove...ako hocesh da te vole, morash i da volish sebe, da budesh zadovoljan sobom, ali i da se razvijash, da si svestan koje su tvoje dobre strane, ali i da prihvatish svoje mane...****And here's something about me:
Flaws & all:
"I'm a train reck in tha morning
I'm a bitch in tha afternoon
Every now in then when I'm horny
I can be really mean towards you
I'm a puzzle yes in deed
Ever complex in everyway
And all the pieces arent even in the box
And yet, you see the picture clear as day......You catch me when I fall
Accept my flaws and all...I neglect you when I'm working
When I need attention I tend to nag
I'm a host of imperfection
And you see past all that
I'm a peasant by some standards
But in your eyes I'm a queen
You see potential in all my flaws
and that's exactly what I need..."****
You Are More Like Angelina Jolie
Bad girl with a heart of gold.
You are smart, sexy, and strong willed.
You aren't against stealing another girl's man...
If he's better off with you!
Are You More Like Jennifer or Angelina?
Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / This is why im hot
Your Inner Eye Color Is Green
You're off-scale unique and creative - just like green eyes
You're peaceful, relaxed, and easy to be around
You've got an exotic flair that draws men in... with unique beauty.
What Color Eyed Woman Are You Really?
You Should Wear Bright Red Lipstick
In Your Face Sexy and Flirty
Your look: Flawless Beauty
Your signature lip gloss flavor: Cherry
What Shade of Lipstick Should You Wear?