My name is nick. I love to play the guitar and sometimes the drums. I drive an intrepid thats purple. I love music and me and my brother's are starting up a band.. soon to be famous!!
allright. dream theater is the greatest band in the world. they arent quite as heavy as i like it but the instramentalists are the most amazing musicians to ever grace the earth. aside from dream theater i listen to mostly scandinavian speed metal. children of bodom, wintersun, stratavarius, scar symmetry, soil work, in flames, imperanon, dimmu borgir, dragon force, and so on. i like any kind of music that feels like it is just drenched with emotion. angry, happy, sad, anything. thats why i think heavy music suits me so well is because it is the easiest to convey anger. if music isnt completely drenched in feeling then it has to be so creative that it blows my mind.
harry potter
God...... & john petrucci