Spending quality time with Leopoldo, playing with my nieces, shop! shop! shop!...Kickin it with my girls, Chillaxin' at clubs, taking road trips...
Just friends that i haven't seen nor spoken to in years!! FYI: i WILL NOT add you if i don't know you...sorry, but there's too many daymn psychos out there!! But if you would like me to add you, then feel free to message me first, okie dokie?
HiP hOp, R&B, sOuL, brEakbEaTs, drUm~n~bass, rEggae, pop, alTerNativE... i lisTen tO evEryThiNg... sOmEtimEs iT dEpeNds oN mY mOod.
fUnNy cOmEdiEs..hOrriFyiNg hOrrOrs..brEaTh takiNg rOmaNcEs..harDcOre acTiOn aNd sOmE FaWkEd uP DraMa...
F.r.i.e.N.d.s, tHe OC, cHeaTers, JaY LenO, mUtant X, BET, Mtv, FaMiLy MaTTers, FrEsh PriNcE Of BeL air, fULL hOusE, dAtiNg shOws
I'll let u know once i have more time to read...
My MAMA. The strongest woman i've ever known. She's now resting up in heaven watching over me. Miss u so much!