i'm going to have to simplify this into things i love and loathe...love: laughter, getting things in the mail besides bills, power tools, netflixs, interesting conversations, eavesdropping while people watching, driving cars or trucks or boats, public transportation, video games, inside jokes, impromptu dance parties, butterflies in my stomache, gambling, eating, surfing, swimming, sand, the grass in kentucky, long walks without crutches, riding my bike, sheer brilliance...loathe: smelly puddles in chinatown that are so toxic they glow, the exorcism of emily rose, rats, slut stamps, liars, bedbugs, scabies, mosquitos, and sleep depravation
the person who has been tagging lower manhattan with "i love you". a smart boy who gets it. ok. truthfully, not only does he have to be smart it wouldn't hurt if he was also cute with a razor sharp wit and had good taste in music, books and movies.
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songs that andrea has shamelessly been stealing
i like movies where people get hurt. except (with few exceptions) horror. i can't sleep for weeks after watching a scary movie. i'm into: kung fu, epic fighting scenes, physical comedy, dark comedy, gutwrenching-heartbreaking dramas.
the history of love, what is the what, water for elephants, the time travelers wife, 100 years of solitude, 100 strokes of the brush before bed, the kite runner, stranger in a strangeland, atlas shrugged, fountainhead, the perks of being a wallflower, the mixed up files of mrs basil e frankweiller, catch 22, letters to a young poet, salinger, hemingway, tom robbins, dave eggers, c.s. lewis, isabel allende, bukowski, vonnegut, roald dahl, books with pretty pictures, books with hard to look at picures...and on and on and on...
just for one day?