Elizabeth Young is the 8th of ten children; the 4th of the youngest six. She was born in Birmingham England, but spent her formative years living in a little village (Cave Valley, Hanover) in Jamaica. Her family returned to live in London where she still resides. She was inspired to choose music as she watched Bucks Fizz perform the winning song in the Eurovision Song Contest. She later went on to write and enter a song for the Great British Song Contest; convinced it was a winning song. It did not win, but her disappointment was eased because the winning song was indeed a winner. It went on to win the Eurovision contest for Britain that year. She has made many unsuccessful bids to abandon music: Her friends would not allow it. And with their support, she continues to maintain her individuality which shines through in everything she does: In her music, in her teaching, in her writing, and in her attitude towards finding truth for her life. While having no musical influences, she likes artists ranging from Elvis, Sinatra, Gladys Knight, Shirley Bassey, through to Motorhead...yes! Motorhead. She has always aspired towards being a big fish in a big pond, and she is willing to pay the price. Others gave up on her because they could not understand her desire to strive for more, rather than settle for what is available and less. She succeeded despite great challenges and discouragement, and occasional mocking, in publishing her first book (We Exist! Why?) in 2002. Again her individuality was misunderstood and brought conflict with her publishers, but as usual she did not compromise. She succeeded in maintaining the disputed book title. As with her book, she refused to compromise with her music; even when opportunities presented themselves that might have led to earlier success. Sacrificing her individuality and independence for success was out of the question. Her book documents her attitude towards fame and fortune; to her mind neither are definitions of success. Her motives remain pure: Where she is now is where she has chosen to be.