anyThinG fRom duNcAn sHeiK, mar00n 5, inCuBus, joHn maYeR, jAson mRaZ, tHe caLLing, thE coRRs, soNgs Lyk...tHe wAy Ü lUk 2nYt-- mY fuTurE weDDing soNg! hehehe, iF i kEEp my heArT ouT oF sYt, oVerjoYed!, wHaT miGhT haVe bEEn, tHe reaL tHinG, sTay, LoVe oN tHe rUn, neW waVe lYk meLt wIth u, bReak iT dOwn aGain, anD eVeryBody wanTs tO ruLe d woRlD. i paRtiCularLy lYk oSt's fRom tHe liTTle meRmaiD, mY beStfRiend's weDDing, seRendiPitY, 50 fiRst daTes anD a wHole loT mOre... weN i'M wiTh aMieL or mY broTher, i lYk reGGae.. bOb maRley, ub40 and bIG moUntAin...hehehe. theRe arE aLso tYms i'D cRave paDugo, oLd mUsic lyK thE cRuisin cD's oR paoLo saNtoS sOnGs... anYthinG aCoustiC anD sAd, thAt is..
F.R.I.E.N.D.S!!!!! tHe beSt!!!! sMaLLviLLe, seX anD thE ciTy, aLLy mcBeaL, eVerYboDy loVeS raYmonD, tHe siMpSons, aS toLd bY ginGeR, rocKet pOweR, jOeY, F, mTv, vH1, myX...
i donT reAd a Lot oF bOOks... tHe onLy thiNg iVe reAd fRom coVer tO coVer, oNly stoPPing tO eAt anD aTTenD cLasseS iS tHe gReaT haRRy poTTer seRieS!!!! iTs jusT thE gReatesT!!! hehehe! i do reAd maGaZineS thOuGh...(doEs tHat couNt?) cOsmoPoLitan -- yoU caN tRuly leArN a lOt oF stUff heRe! ;) anD oTher wHolEsoMe faSHion magAzIneS... uMMM... puGad BaboY!!! bEERkaDa!! hAhaHa!!