Outdoor crap; hiking, rock-climbing, rafting and the like. I also really enjoy reading and i've doodled so many times in math that it could count as a hobby. But most of all, i just like to kick back with friends.
A leprechaun, Sloth from the Goonies, and Babar the Elephant
i like everything; from simon & garfunkel and fleetwood mac to local bands, ska, punk, and jazz. You name it, i'll probably like it.
movies.........wow, way too many to choose from, kind of like my choice in music.Let's just leave it at anything that is not completely stupid and cleche... then again, those are the best ones.
I don't watch all that much TV, i'm more into movies. But from what's on, i like the simpsons, adult swim stuff, the family guy...and the like.
I'll read anthing, but my favorite authors are kurt vonnegut, stephen king, aristotle, shakespeare, etc... anything that will make you think
Quialman and that guy on the oatmeal box.my savior and great friend heather lough