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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Grr, ok, I'm going to steal an idea from a friend of mine and give you a random story that is probably not representative of me in any way. And it'll be long. Here we go: "Snake in the Underwear." Thirteen-year-old me was playing with Motor, a soft-furred tabby with a bad eye and a gymp leg, on the king sized mattress lying on the floor in my parents' room. All was well until Motor abruptly went stock still, alert the way cats get when they are hunting. With quivering tail, he began to stalk towards the edge of the bed. Following his gaze, I saw what appeared to be an enormous lizard, starring back at me balefully from it's place behind my parents' dresser. It took a moment for me to register the sheer size of the thing, and realize that it was, in point of fact, a very large snake. Now, first of all, I was a little startled to see a snake in our otherwise urban setting. And secondly, my half-blind, gympy cat was about to take on a potentially poisionous snake. This was unacceptable.I immediately took action, moving carefully, I put my hands softly around Motor's torso. He paid me no mind. Ever so slowly, I closed my hands about him, begining to pick him up. At that point, it suddenly dawned on Motor that the the mother of all snakes had somehow slipped up behind him and had him in a death coil. He went berserk. He knew, as only instincts can tell you, that death was at hand unless he could convince that monsterous snake to let him go. I bear several scars from his efforts at persuasion. However, I, being the stubborn and, some argue, masochistic cat-lover that I am, continued to hold on for dear life, all the while yelling for my mom. Now here is where things got hectic. My mother had a tendancy to be a little excitable. So when I casually mentioned, "there's a snake in the room. Motor's going nuts; can you get me a towel??", all she heard was "SNAKE" (The towel was for the double purpose of holding a writhing, scratching cat, and staunching the blood dripping off my hands.) There then followed a seemingly endless exhange of "where's the snake?!" and, "a towel, mom, a TOWEL!" Only on my 5th or 6th, "For God's sake, a TOWEL PLEASE!" did mom register the growing number of scratches I was sporting.Shortly thereafter, with Motor safely tossed out of the room wrapped in a towel, we went in search of the snake. It had by then made good it's dissapearance. It was not behind the dresser. So, we decided that the best course of action would be to remove the bottom drawer, which happened to be my father's underwear drawer, and see if the snake was hiding beneath the dresser. Well, it turns out the snake had taken up residence in said drawer. Being of a now pragmatic mindset, we saw the advantage in that. Like two little soldiers, we picked of the drawer and, in unison, marched outside with it, prefunctarily spilling it's contents to the grass. There, amongst a pile of tighty-whities, lay a very disgruntled, 5 foot ratsnake. We waited expectantly, but he would not move. Deciding that dad would not wish to come home to a snake in his underwear, we retreived my grandfather's decorative fencing sword (he was an interesting man, with a love of collecting odd knives and swords), and, spearing the underwear in which the snake was coiled, we picked both up, heading towards a nearby patch of undeveloped land. We must have looked rather odd, mom and I walking purposefully with a snake at arms length hanging out of a pair of white underwear. Upon reaching our destination, we left the underwear and the snake in the tall grass, then headed to the house, piled the remaining briefs back in the drawer, the drawer back into the dresser, and thought no more of it.It did come up once again when dad approached us, wondering why he was picking grass out of his underwear.

My Interests

being goofy, petting kittys (no dirty jokes!...--ok, make the dirty jokes), mooching my friends' food, reading, riding horses, literature, READING!, politics (though that can be depressing), hiking & camping, TRAVELING (yayforothercountries!), natural history/biology, swimming, I love dancing, hanging with my lovely friends, chatting with friends, friends ...

I'd like to meet:

I long for a kitten...and a ferret. Do any of you own ferrets?


Scottish and English Ballads (my dad used to sing me to sleep with them--and luckily, no damage with my young mind from all the pillaging and death ;-), old American Folk music, Tori Amos, Tom Waites, Toadies, Ani DiFranco, and so on....--I don't really know band names so much as songs. Eep, bad me.


Bram Stoker's Dracula (w/Gary Oldman & Anthony Hopkins. Terrible book, wonderful movie--even K. Reaves couldn't ruin it!), Brotherhood of the Wolf, Versus, Spirited Away, LA Confidential, Laputa: Castle in the Sky, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless mind, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, The Philadelphia Story, Pirates of the Caribean, Eddie Izzard's Dress to Kill, The Lord of the Rings, Silence of the Lambs, Robin Hood (cartoon one, with the fox, -)


Didn't have a tv while I was growing up. Don't really watch it much now, though I admit to the occasional addiction--I just couldn't tell you what shows, at the moment.


reading was my first love! Oh, where to begin? Wheel of Time series (beeautiful!), Lord of the Rings & The Hobbit (my very first book, 3rd grade), Catalyst, Hyperion, funny books (Piers Anthony, Douglas Adams etc), Fast Food Nation, Shannara series, Vampire Lestat, anything by Charles de Lint (amazing author, I strongly recommend him), The Dark is Rising series, and so so many more. PS: am an escapest. I like fantasy books. yesss...

My Blog

I'm baaaack!

but did you miss me? Nope? Not even a little bit?? *sigh* however did I know that would be the case? oh well! So sososososososo, SO! Do you want to know how Costa Rica was? Well, it was fantastic, let...
Posted by Eve on Thu, 01 Mar 2007 04:11:00 PST

I WAS going to get work done

Yet somehow my day has just wiled away into nothingness. Aww, to hell with it. :) I had a good day. I ended up having an interesting conversation with Sebas. We were sitting around, being moderatley p...
Posted by Eve on Tue, 30 Jan 2007 05:07:00 PST

gay marriage

I don't understand why so many people react with such bile towards the idea of gay marriage, and to homosexuality in general. Rather, I can understand why poeple of a certain generation might, but in ...
Posted by Eve on Wed, 17 Jan 2007 04:32:00 PST

long distance

I just thought I'd try out the idea of a blog. I'm not sure that I am consistant enough in my online urges to handle it. Too much responsiblity. My friend Victor is in town. I have been close friends ...
Posted by Eve on Wed, 12 Jul 2006 08:23:00 PST