A trio of artists dedicate themselves to following their bliss using a disposable lifestyle until love leads them astray, or were they astray the whole time?
AARON GARVEY and JAMES BRADLEY are hip, talented, arty types, living at the dawn of a new millennium in Southern California and are trying to break into the lierary horror market. In order to ensure their artistic success, Aaron, has invented a "disposable lifestyle" guaranteed to prevent any obstacle from preventing them from achieving success, which includes disposable day jobs, disposable residences, and (most of all) disposable relationships. Together with their slacker friend, KEITH RAYMIE, they make the sacrifices necessary for their art.
Trouble begins when Aaron's latest disposable girlfriend, DEE SULLOS, kicks him to the curb, literally. Moving in with James, Aaron finds his friend still pining for his last relationship in clear violation of the lifestyle. In order to bring James back into the fold, Aaron recruits Keith to help him drag their comrade for a night on the town. Aaron's plan backfires when James and Keith meet COLLETTE JAMISON and JENNIFER TWON, two women who seem to be made for them. Confused and dejected, Aaron stumbles upon CATHERINE AKINSON, a woman who he, himself falls for.
As the trio fall further and further away from the "disposable lifestyle", both Aaron and James are forced to make decisions whether to remain true to what they thought was bliss or pursue their love. Encouraged by Jennifer, Keith finds he is no longer a slacker, but he also no longer fits into the lives of his friends, especially Aaron. James decides to marry Collette and throw the lifestyle behind him, but when Catherine confides a dark secret in him and he is approached with reconciliation from Dee , Aaron returns to the "lifestyle", but after some prodding from Keith and James, Aaron breaks up with Dee and goes back to Catherine. Little does he know that Dee 's vengeful friend, ROE DELGADO, is scheming a plot to give Aaron what she feels he deserves.
Confused? Well so are they. Zing, baby! Welcome to a romantic tragedy.