TaLk bOuT me???...eHm...wHaT in u'r iMagiNe??
noThin sPeCiaLL in me.....
I am a GiRl that did't like all bout liMitaTioNs foRm.
I don't caRe wHat PeoPle think bout me, I'm jusT WalkiNg on my way.....cuz who ever they are haVen't RigHt to juDge me!!they are never unDerStaNd....cuz .."me is me"....
I Do wHat I waNt to Do....wiTh my own RuLes....
I LoVe yeLLoW Rosse so's my insPiRatioNs...
All of events that have been happened in my life are my amaZing exPerienCe...those make me growing up well....
I loVe peoPle aRouNd me...they aRe so suPpOrt me....
I life independently, honesty, and hard woRk.....
thanks for my luvly mom...with her encouraging way I do..
a treasure time when I could see the sunrises this morning and absolutly for tommorow...
Life simply...and enjoying everysecond of my lifetime.....
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
my Friend..every where u're.....
Raw_BoNed.....All peoPle in the world.......__thanks foR aDd me__