Hey everyone, my name is Cambria! I am from Shawnee, Ok, and with my boyfriend, Art, I was able to record a few songs. He started up Open Wound Records which he has been running for a few months now. I am really excited about putting myself out there just to let people hear me sing. None of this is too serious, I don't plan on trying to make it big time or anything like that. I just love to sing. I am also a Christian and I want people to know about my Savior and why He is so amazing! I sing for Him and for His glory. I really want to get into singing Blues/Jazz, that is where my passion is, and I hope I will get around to recording some songs like that.I know that the banner below makes me look like I am trying to sell you something, or that I am just on Myspace to get people to sign up for stuff, but this is a bit different. I am a proud sponsor of a child through Compassion International. I sponsor a little boy named Franklin. He is nine years old and lives in La Paz, Bolivia. I have been a sponsor for over a year and I LOVE doing it! Please please, check out their site, you will be blessed by helping these kids!Thanks for checking out my page! If you have any questions, feel free to ask!