«Juanita» profile picture


El amor nace de un flechazo; la amistad del intercambio frecuente y prolongado.(Octavio Paz)

About Me

A day without laugther is a day wasted !!!!!

HI! My name is Juanita and I'm quite easy going person, I like have fun when i am around people i care about... Im a girl who loves going to the beach, likes to hang out friends,and sometime just stay home and watch movies...Also i like to listen to music since music can express almost every emotion known..I love to take pictures of every place I go..(and capture each moment which is important to me :P).. AH! Si me gusta vivi esta vida loca aunque en momentos es triste y dolorosa..=) ah me gusta viajar a GDL, Jalisco.. visitar mi familia.. Ah si ir a Zapotlanejo y quedarme hasta las 2 am para mirar el pueblo de noche. y tener la opcion de sentarme en la banca y mirar las estrellas

My Interests

El amor abre todas las puertas; el rencor las cierra. (Fasto Cayo)
El amor más fuerte y más puro no es el que sube desde la impresión, sino el que desciende desde la admiración. (Santa Catalina de Siena)

:: I'm nobody! Who are you?:: I'm nobody! Who are you?
Are you nobody, too?
Then there's a pair of us -- don't tell!
They'd banish us -- you know!

How dreary to be somebody!
How public like a frog
To tell one's name the livelong day
To an admiring bog!
-by Emily Dickinson
hey who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night. -Edgar Allan Poe

I'd like to meet:

¿Sufre más aquél que espera siempre que aquél que nunca esperó a nadie? (Pablo Neruda)
I would love to meet someone who accepts me for who i am and not for what i am.. Some one who actually cares for me. and of course someone who i can be my self and be able to have fun and laugh. Alguien que me pueda hacerme reir aunque no trate.. alguien quien me pueda hacerme sentir que todo puedo ser romantico y magico aunque el lugar no sea.!!!




«Close the world ...Open the next »
Sometimes I think we live through things only to be able to say that it happened. Sometimes we live to beat the odds. I'm not crazy even though they thought I was. I live in the same world as everyone else. Sometimes life can only really begin with the knowledge of death. That it can all end, even when you least want it to. The important thing in life is to believe that while you're alive, it's never too late no matter how bad things look, they look better awake than they do asleep. When you die, there's only one thing you want to happen. You wanna come back. The thing you don't remember is the thing that didn't exist
---"the jacket"---
