fooTBaLL.,Music.,daNCing.,REaDing FIcTions.....MEETING NEW FRIENDS.....
EvryBody....FRm GRandPas 2 GRandMAs and Also cHILdren Nd GRandChildren.........
I LoVE THe SceNT OF FReshly BakEd Rock MUsic N d MRning...MAKEs ME Go WiLd.....
I Love Sci FI MOviES....They BEnd the BoundaRies of SpEcial EffEcts so ConVibCinGLy THat you Tend to Be one W/ The FIlm.....
I liKE WatChing WAcKY CartOOns....they MAke Me Laugh sO harD..!!! I Also Like TO watch VariEty Shows...They are Also Quite eNterTaining....
i DonT REad Books That Mch....Maybe thE Only booK that I have Red SriouSLy Is "MaNs JourNey"....
I thInk D Hero i ReaLY adMIre Is MY FaFa...CoZ W/out Him i coULd Not have maKE It OUt Into THis WeiRd WoRld... GET IT?