What people are saying about Liberty Bound:"You have shaken the very ground that I walk on. Very similar issues have been in my mind for quite some time now and I am soo happy that you are giving people a chance to fight back for the Freedom of an American Democracy. I truly appreciate that effort that you are making and I hope that you are heard, on every level, by all. Thank you Christine Rose." - Miranda Morris, Missouri"It is simply outstanding!! Everybody should see this. I was VERY impressed with the quality and depth of the`production." - Charlie Kittleson, California"Rose could not have picked better commentators for her documentary. Michael Parenti and Howard Zinn are two of the finest writers/speakers/scholars today. Her investigation of the loss of civil liberties in the post-9/11 world is strong material. Zinn and Parenti help frame her video segments to present a disturbing picture of what is happening to liberty in America... It is an excellent, thoughtful documentary that should be seen by all Americans." - Randy Waters, Wisconsin"I'd like to congratulate you on a job well done! Unlike Farenheit 911, your film is not compromised by adherence to the official story of 9/11. Your examination of today's political climate and it's consequences, is unflinchingly honest. These are the critical issues so thoroughly obscured by the official story of 9/11. At best, most Americans today are uninformed, at worst, completely brainwashed. For anyone seeking to get their bearings in the "New American Century", 'Liberty Bound' effectively illuminates the grave challenges confronting us all." - Ola Ekunkonye, FloridaFor more comments, please visit our website.