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GAYlords need not apply.

About Me

alison ann germain./chistian/singer()/writer/free spirited/awesome. Im like a shark, if i dont keep moving I'll die.
all girls have boobs, some better than others. douchebag.
PET PEEVE:1) when sexiness is only based off of how you look, when sexiness is how low you wear your shirt, when sexiness is how you move your body.. when sexiness is ONLY about the body; thats when i start to worry about you people.
showing me the real you behind the skin? now thats sexy.
the way you're acting out of impulse in public? thats sexy
somehow your logic and intelligence is so overwhelming that you actually began to make me think about my opinions and judgements? unbearably sexy.
allow the mind to take over what the body cant.
trust me. you'll gain while keeping your self respect.
2) We've a name, an identity, a face for all to recognize us by. My name is ALISON. Dont address me as 'her', 'she', or a 'people'. Im in a group to call my own, and I take pride in that. Im too proud of a person to be slurred, or feeling like im being downsized.
3)irrefutable evidence of said 'lying': Unfortunatly your dumbass was caught red handed. My space is not only a website where you can constantly flirt with the opposite sex without the fear of catching some sexually transmitted disease, buts its also a 'tell all' about what you're hiding. You're an open book, and hiding in crevices wont do you very good since there are ways to disable anything these days. My space is just another way to exploit your ignorance, and another way to prove you are not trustworthy.
4) Where did I last see my heart? :The evidence is screaming at me. Broken lamps, dented walls and cute love notes that have the potent sign of juvinility. Which is enough to make you throw up the orange that you may or may not have had for breakfest. The idea of me has you fascinated. You are setting yourself up to believe that I can help you, or keep your life interesting at least. Well, Im not going to give in for your own selfish gain. I have enough of a problem trying to complete myself. I am more interested in the long-run, as opposed to the short-lived. My definition of love is warped, as I say. To feel love, you first have to be taught of love. And as the story goes, I've been given none of that.
MATT: You definitely arent like most girls.
MATT: In fact, i dont know anyone quite like you.
sometimes, all you need to say is what needs to be said. Everyone needs to take some lessons from him. thanks Matt. You're the ultimate!

My Interests

self-edge and obviously stickam- sLOL

I'd like to meet:

hey just wondering...what is the luster of liking ugly females with no personal accomplishments or goals? not to mention they're dull as the knife they used to cut that fat slice of chocolate cake with. I'll just take into consideration that you boys are way too pathetic and intimidated to talk to the higher standards of the female. you lose, big time. queer(s). I have no idea what is going through your heads anymore. Maybe im the one who is picky? Nevertheless, still single. Still alone, and still waiting for you to open your big fucking mouth and admit that not taking the chance was you making the biggest mistake of your boring life. I believe we're all getting lazy, or are in sexually induced comas. Whatever the problem may be.. im looking, and i may be looking for you.


the cloud room. vampire weekend. Ingrid Michaelson. greg laswell. Janis Joplin. Minus the bear. Saosin. Something Corporate. Crime in stereo. The kooks. The smiths. Mirah. Cursive. Michelle Branch. Akron Family. Brand new. Elliot Smith. Goldfrapp. Of Montreal. Paramore. Anthony Green. Rilo Kiley. Sia. The Blow. Tilly and the wall. Pedro the lion.


STICKAM ACCOUNT!! : http://www. stickam .com/necrotomies

try to catch me when im live!




Sarah Anne Jezak.

My Blog

this is everything I am... study it.

Name: Alison August 21 1988 4:15 PM Time Zone is EDT warren, michigan Rising Sign is in 19 Degrees Sagittarius You are known for being open, frank, outgoing and honest. At times, though, you a...
Posted by alien on Tue, 12 Dec 2006 12:52:00 PST