Non c'era nessuno che suonava pezzi dei "mitici" THIN LIZZY in Torino e, abbiamo pensato di farlo noi con molta umilà e molto divertimento e,sembra che incontriamo anche l'approvazione di chi viene a sentirci...
----------------------------------------------Il n’y avait personne qui jouait les pièces des mythiques THIN LIZZY a turin, donc nous avons pensée à le faire, avec humilité et beaucoup d’ amusement ! Et nous croyons d’avoir l’approbation de tous gents qui viennent nous entendre…
------------------------------------------------There was nobody who played the music of "mythical" THIN LIZZY in Turin; so we thought to do this, with great humility and much fun! It seems to meet the approval of those who come to hear us...
-----------------------------------------------I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 ( edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 ( edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 (
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