Woodworking, computers, most anything mechanical/electrical, pc gaming, family, spirituality
The brain cells I drank away in my earlier years--I really miss them........My guardian angel--She deserves a hug......Alison Krauss--If music will get you into heaven, I want AKUS to sing me home......My Baby Girl's murderer. Alone. Sometimes I get impatient awaiting my God's vengeance......
All kinds (except rap)...AKUS, Alan Jackson, Lisa Brokop, Brad Paisley, Tracy Lawrence, Patty Loveless, Erika Jo, Hank, the late Don Williams, Nickelback, Default, Seether, AC/DC, Motley Crue, Amy Lee, and on and on and on... .. Movie Clips | Italy Vacation Rentals | Nashville Real Estate
Its a Wonderful Life (original), The Matrix, LOTR, X-Men, Whatever Dreams May Come, Alien...
CSI, Discovery Channel, NGC...
Any of the Shannarra series by Terry Brooks---LOTR (of course)---The Abhorsen Series by Garth Nix---Just finished Angels and Demons by Dan Brown. Read it in two days...
My Dad, may he rest in peace---My wife, 'cause you gotta be somebody special to put up with me =)