Sports, music, movies... not a big fan of TV, with the exception of a couple of shows.
There is the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit... and then there is Bruce Springsteen. Still, all music begins and ends with the Beatles. I love everything about 80's music, but I'm still a punk rock kid at heart because The Clash is STILL the only band that matters. Modern music? Can't listen to Matthew Sweet enough. If you've never heard of him, get to know him and his music. You'll be hooked...
I don't care if it's a typical guy movie, or a movie that only sports fans can watch, but Hoosiers is my favorite movie EVER. I don't care WHO you are - watch that movie and tell me that it doesn't get to you in SOME way. The "greatest" movie ever? Star Wars... and do NOT get me started on that one...
Yes, I am an X-Files geek, and I don't care. Absolutely obsessed with that show. Nowadays, the only show I can't miss is 24. Jack Bauer is a God. The greatest show of all time is still MASH.
Big non-fiction person, especially when it comes to sports figures and politicians. Don't care for most fictions, although I'm a big fan of JRR Tolkien.
It all begins and ends with my parents... end of story.