Elder Cthulhu *heartless* profile picture

Elder Cthulhu *heartless*

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

With my sprawling, tentacled mass and innumerable eyes, I lies unseen in the deep places of the world. I thrives on the dead, spinning their souls in the "Wheel of Fate": the purifying cycle of death, birth and rebirth to which all spirits are inexorably drawn. I am bent on the extinction of the vampire race, whose immortal souls are denied to me. It was for this purpose that I raised Raziel from the abyss to become my avenging angel, a reaper of souls.I am an immortal, nearly omniscient deity that lives beneath the surface of Nosgoth. I appears as a vile, tentacled mass abound with numerous, unblinking eyes which allows me to see all things at all times. I exists in both the Spectral and Material Realms simultaneously and also seems to exist outside the normal flow of time, as I knew who Raziel was centuries before I met him the first time in the future I professes to be the "Engine of Life" and the still center of the "Wheel of Fate." I claims that I creates all life and devours all death but as the story progresses, it seems as though I seems to exist solely to devour all of the essence that a soul obtains during its life, more a parasite beset against the "Wheel," not the axle upon which it turns. The Ancients once worshipped me, though they had no idea what I am. When the Hylden obtained immortality, refusing to submit to death, I set the Ancients against them, to convert them to my-based religion. The result was a war that lasted for a thousand years. The war ended with the Ancients building the Pillars of Nosgoth, which sealed the Hylden in a dimension inhabited by "Demons." Before they were fully sent through the gate, the Hylden cursed the Ancients, giving them sterility, bloodlust, and most importantly, immortality. They were thus removed from my "Wheel of Fate," forced to disobey the very religion they so zealously followed. I became silent and turned away from the Ancients, presumably viewing their unwanted immortality as an affront to me. Without the guidance of their god, many of the Ancients committed suicide in order to re-join the Wheel. Centuries later, I started speaking to Moebius and convinced him that the Ancient vampires were a plague and must be destroyed (this plot was assisted by the fact that, as the Ancient Pillar Guardians died/were killed off, Human Guardians were born; the Ancients subsequently began to convert the Human Guardians into Vampires). Moebius and Mortanius, the Human Guardians of Time and Death, respectively, rebelled against the vampires on my orders and claimed the Pillars of Nosgoth for mankind. Several millennia later, the Elder God was present at Raziel's rebirth as a wraith (and claims to have caused it) and tried to coerce him to kill Kain. Eventually, I lost my hold over Raziel and the wraith devoted himself to defying the Elder God, though he still held a berth of hatred for his vampiric creator. Raziel was the first one to see my true "face" a mass of eyes and tentacles stretching out from the Pillars and throughout the world, but before he joined with the Reaver, he allowed Moebius and Kain to see the twisted manipulator (by purifying them with the also purified Spirit Reaver). Once he could see me, Kain was able to fight and defeat, but not kill me. You should create your own MySpace Layouts like me by using nUCLEArcENTURy .COM's MySpace Profile Editor !Contact Table Generated with MyWackoSpace

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

the sarafan, raziel kain the Pillars of Nosgoth and all life and death.