eating (not picky, but I really like sea food, fish, chicken and cheeseburger, i sometimes overeat, but soon i will work them off), sleeping (i am a morning person though), cooking (very much enjoy the process), cleaning (feel satisfied with my hard work), reading (its MUST-DO at bedtime), hiking (can shape nice legs), paper folding (origami-its so amazing and creative), knots (ropework, anybody likes it too?), climbing (its also life attitude), traveling , running with dogs , billiards (pool, watch it a lot on TV, still new to it), badminton (aerobic sports), card playing (always lose but always play)and hanging out with friends and workout in the gym (that is something when you start it, you can not stop it), play dice. Collections:- sunglasses, lingerie, eardrops, jeans, shoes, caps and books.
I love all, depends on my mood. I now have a great collection, 80% are from my friends.
Fight club, Matrix, pulp fiction, the usual suspects,The Shawshank Redemption, Goodfellas, Memento, Fargo, The Sixth Sense, L.A.Confidential, Schindler's List, Mulholland Drive, city of god, spirited away, American Beauty, dancer in the dark, A river runs through it, Sylvia, Before sunset and before sunrise, somewhere in time, sideways, wings of desire, transpotting, Rome... I am basically not picky with movies as long as it makes sense.
NBA (my idol:- Tracy McGrady, Le Bron James), Olympics, national geography, Discovery, Perfect proposal, Growing pains, TV soaps (some), advertisement (some are really creative), sex and the city, friends, everybody loves Raymond (just laugh like a baby). OZ, Star Trek (1-7 seasons),CSI, Scrubs, Lost, Rome, Nip/tuck (looking forward season 5)....
all kinds of, especially biography, traveling book and cartoons and detective books. Think and grow rich By Napolean Hill, The Completed Classics of Dale Carnegie, and so many....