Anime, Manga, Gaming, Nintendo, Sony, Nintendo, Wii, PS2, RPG, Ragnarok, Computers, Unreal, World of Warcraft, Technology, Gadgets, D&D, Magic, Roleplaying games, PAX, Penny Arcade, Megatokyo, Jerseys, Holsteins, Dairy, Dairy Cows, Cheese, Enforcers
Old High School Friends, Gamers, Animators, Geeks, Nerds, PAX Enforcers
Utada Hikaru, Aerosmith, Slayers, Weird Al, Other music other people cannot pronounce or understand
Transformers, Harry Potter, TMNT, Harry Potter, 300
Stargate, Big Brother, Top Chef, Hell's Kitchen
Harry Potter
Mom I miss you, keep an eye on Danny and Hannah for me, please.